Making the Most of Your Appt.

UWC PLFs promise to:

      • Give you the full appointment time — 25 or 50 mns. (if you arrive on time for the appointment)
      • Model active learning strategies.
      • Encourage a collaborative discussion.Brainstorm Icons - Download Free Vector Icons | Noun Project
      • Allow you to maintain ownership of your ideas.
      • Offer suggestions about how to choose and narrow a topic. 
      • Help you brainstorm ideas for your paper.
      • Help you develop organizational strategies.
      • Share suggestions for how to revise.
      • Guide you in effectively editing/proofreading your paper.
      • Show you how to utilize their writing strengths and recognize your writing weaknesses.

In turn, we ask those of you who make UWC appointments to:

    1. Share a copy of your assignment and the prompt, if provided, via Google Docs.No Phone Cell
    2. Shut off your cell phones and close down other programs on your computer to eliminate distractions.
    3. Prioritize one assignment to discuss.
    4. Think about specific concerns you want to address during the appointment.
    5. Actively participate in the discussion.
    6. Be receptive to and try out alternative ideas and/or approaches suggested by the PLF.
    7. Ask for clarification when you don’t understand a PLF’s comment.
    8. Recognize that all your concerns may not be addressed in one appointment, especially in a 25-minute session.