Peggy Davis

Peggy Davis has been teaching at the college level since 1998, when she began her graduate work at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. She received her master’s degree in poetry from Miami in 2000 and completed her PhD coursework (ABD), which focused on composition, media studies, and twentieth-century American Literature. Peggy has been teaching in Writing Programs since 2007, channeling her interests in popular culture, technology, and gender into her courses. She teaches across the Writing Programs curriculum, including introductory composition courses ENG2 and ENG3 as well as upper-division courses 5W (focusing on 9/11 Narratives), 100W, and 131B (a business writing and public policy course). Her assignments include cultural critiques and op-eds while class discussions range from debating how technology has transformed the meaning of friendship to analyzing gender role reversals in the Hunger Games texts. In addition, Peggy works with UCLA’s interdisciplinary Cluster courses by advising the Teaching Fellows; she also teaches 495A, a graduate course on teaching composition throughout the disciplines. Peggy is committed to showing students the importance of using writing to refine, challenge, and understand their perspectives on the world around them and the ways it can help them to become stronger agents shaping that world.